2014-05-11 07.29.03

Have you got overripe bananas that are too soft and mushy to eat? Instead of adding them to pancakes, here is a recipe to try using bananas.


2 filo sheets

4 overripe bananas, mashed

1 tbsp honey

1 tbsp cinnamon

50g butter

cooking oil


1. Mash bananas in a bowl.

2. Add honey and cinnamon and blend them well with the mashed bananas for added sweetness and a hint of spice.

3. Divide each filo into 4 squares.

4. Fill one length of each square with mashed bananas.

5. Seal the sides of each filo square with melted butter.

6. Roll the filo neatly making sure the filling is tightly wrapped.

7. Brushed melted butter on each rolled .

8.Heat oil in frying pan.

9. Fry rolled filos in a frying pan on medium heat.

10. Serve with dusting of castor sugar if needed.

11. Best eaten piping hot or cold.

The added honey gives off the much needed sweetness on top of that given off by caramalised bananas. If you’d like a hint of extra spice, add more cinnamon to the mashed bananas. This is one way to use your overripe bananas and enjoy a filling breakfast full of potassium and carbohydrate to kick start your day.  This finger food can also be served as an afternoon tea snack. Enjoy!

P.S: I will be preparing a savoury version of the filo so stay tuned for the recipe!

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