indoor waterfall 2

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Millionaires are not the only ones who love to bring the outdoors into the home. The relaxing, calm sounds of water trickling, or the tranquil look of a pond can make us feel good. A water feature in the home can help you feel more focused and at peace. The type of water structure that you bring into your home depends largely on your space and budget.




Photo credit http://www.wallhome.net

Outdoor fountains
The front entrance makes a strong statement about a home. Stone, porcelain, and other materials can be used to construct a birdbath or fountain outside of your house. These structures range in price, depending on the material and size. Look for used ones being sold by others who are moving or changing water features. Fountains make for a great way to get extra water to your garden, too. Some can actually act like sprinklers and use water efficiently.



Photo credit http://keyhug.com



A waterfall can be calming when placed in an area like a living room or bedroom. A complex model may have a waterfall and small pond at the bottom, and stand like a statue in a room. If space is an issue, consider a vertical waterfall. It stands on the ground and vertically covers part of the wall like a painting. It’s a little space that can be soothing and tranquil. This water feature in the home makes good use of space and provides relaxation, being practical and minimalist. A standing fountain tends to be less costly than stone or marble fountains made of more expensive materials.

For a more ornate and fancy water feature in the home, opt for a ceiling to floor waterfall. These costlier decorations can be seen in some restaurants. Coloured lights are an extra touch to highlight the waterfall at night. These structures work well by stairways and use up space that would normally be just a wall. Small nooks and enclaves in the home can also be used to place a waterfall. Eco-friendly models allow water to be minimally used through a special filtration system.



indoor pond


Another possibility is a pond or small pool of water that can be placed just about anywhere. For a more peaceful look, try lily pads and flowers that sit atop water, with dimmed lights. For areas of little space, ponds can be built into the floor, much like an open aquarium. Specialists can give you ideas for fish that live in indoor ponds.


tabletop waterfall



Tabletop Waterfall
An equally tranquil and beautiful water feature in the home is a tabletop waterfall. For a fraction of the cost of a standing fountain, a small, plug-in waterfall can be placed on your nightstand. Some have real water flowing through them, while others simulate the sound. If you can’t afford the real thing, these smaller replicas do the job of relaxing you.

The modern home can be enhanced by natural touches like waterfalls, ponds, pools, and other water features. No matter what size you go for, the sounds are proven to calm and centre the mind. These amazing works of art add to the beauty of your home and your soul.


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