Photo credit: http://78superfoods.com/wp-content


Most of us here, if not all, are on a quest to healthier, happier lifestyle choices – exercise, a positive mindset, a complete diet, well, it can be quite a mouthful. And for us to continue our journey to this change, we have to stay committed. For one, the bad habits have got to go – smoking, alcohol, junk food and a sedentary lifestyle wouldn’t take us anywhere.

On the other hand, superfoods are one of the elements to a healthier and happier you – but what exactly puts the ‘super’ in ‘superfoods’? Here we have rounded up 5 of the top superfoods that could help you achieve a super you!

Photo credit:http://www.healthguru.sg


1. Fat-free, plain yogurt               

 Yogurt is a super staple to a healthy diet, and why not? It is loaded with calcium compared to other dairies and is packed with protein and potassium. Yogurt is also great for your tummy – it is full of good bacteria or probiotics which promote good digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Make sure to get your hands on a fat-free, plain variety though, so you won’t load up on all the sugar.

Photo credit: http://topnews.net.nz


2. Pistachio nuts               

If you want a healthy body, pistachios are the way to go. Pistachio nuts have earned respect in the superfoods category because of its numerous benefits – they are loaded with protein, fiber and unsaturated fat, which is good for your heart. It is rich in phytosterols and soluble fiber, which help lower your LDLs (bad cholesterol). And since it comes in a neat shell, you won’t have to eat too much. Trust us,the packaging slows you down quite a bit.

 Photo credit: http://www.gojiberryblog.com

3. Dark chocolate 

 How about some dark chocolate for dessert? Yes, you heard that right – dark chocolate is very much a healthy treat…as long as you eat them in moderation. It is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants which have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve circulation. It is also a great way to boost your mood – it increases your endorphin (natural opiates) and serotonin (mood-altering chemical) levels, which help keep you happy all day long. A healthy body and a healthy mind? You bet.


 Photo credit: http://england.lovefoodhatewaste.com

4. Tomatoes

 Tomatoes are chart-toppers when it comes to superfoods – aside from the fact that they’re versatile and can be included in hundreds of dishes, they are also one of the most potent when it comes to fighting signs of aging. Eating tomatoes help you achieve youthful skin, and since they are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene, they help reduce your skin’s sensitivity to UV rays. Lycopene is also very potent in fighting a lot of types of cancer, which is makes it one of the amazing superfoods you should incorporate in every meal.


 Photo credit: http://drtouchinsky.files.wordpress.com

5. Berries

 Berries are a great way to pack on some nutrients while you’re enjoying its bite-sized goodness. Loaded with antioxidants which help keep free-radicals at bay, berries are great snacks while you’re dieting. Since they are low in calories and high in fiber and water, you get full longer. If you want a healthy body, berries are the way to go!


We have reached the end of our list, ladies! In order for you to achieve a healthy body, you must take in foods which are rich in vitamins and nutrients. We hope you enjoyed scanning through our list and learned a thing or two about the benefits of these superfoods. Good luck on your quest for a healthier, happier you!               

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