
The New Year has descended upon us again. We tend to desire a change for the better. Hence, we make new resolutions hoping to become slimmer, healthier, more beautiful, wealthier and more organised perhaps through journaling. Shops and news agencies stack organisers, planners and journals to target the planners, organisers and journal enthusiasts who are aware of the benefits of journaling. 

Typo has recently launched a 50% discount sale of selected items. These include weekly planners, journals and stationery. I purchased a handful of journals and weekly planner with the aim of being organised at work as well as continue with journaling which can be therapeutic and reflective.

On that note, I must mention a special journal containing prompts that I stumbled upon at Typo. Entitled ‘Do you ever ask yourself what if?’, each page contains a prompt starting with ‘What if….’. Interesting and creative, the prompts help the writer to reflect deeply and write about things that he or she has never thought of. Examples are ‘What if you could change your personality? What would you change?’, What if you could meet someone who inspires you? Who would it be?’, ‘”What if you could take over a company? What would it be and why?’. There are prompts that require deeper amount of thinking or even some amount of research work than others. On the whole, I feel that this journal is a keepsake and it comes in handy for those who have problems in thinking of what to write.  

Benefits of journal writing

  1. It is cathartic

Journal writing requires you to be in a clear frame of mind. It allows you to pour your thoughts and feelings which can be a healthy outlet for venting your anger, letting your emotions flow and penning your worries. In short, it is a personal therapy session.

  1. It activates your brain

Journaling makes you reflect on past events and consider your thoughts and feelings about it as well as about the people involved. It makes you delve deeper into your psyche and think about things which you may not have considered before.

  1. It helps in personal development  

By penning your thoughts and feelings, you get to understand yourself better. This comes to the fore when you flip through past entries and realise how far you have come or changed.

  1. It improves your writing

Daily journaling helps you improve your writing and the way you express yourself. You sharpen your writing skills and are more aware of word choices as you write.


When to write

The best times are in the morning before you start the day when your mind is still fresh and before you retire for the night. The latter is the time when you get to reflect of the days happenings and pen significant thoughts and events that have transpired during the day.

Where to write

Find a quiet place to journal so you can concentrate and organise your thoughts. Pen down what comes to your mind and let your thoughts flow on paper. Use that time frame and mental space to write, write, write.

You’ll be amazed with the ideas that you put down on paper and how much you have achieved or developed within a certain time frame. So if you are still contemplating whether you should start  journaling, do it Now or Never!

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