6 Must-Have Cosmetics for the Working Woman

Photo credit: http://www.jbily.com


The office is a battlefield – the deadlines, the terror boss, notorious gossip queens, and a whole lot more that’s surely gonna leave you in stress mode. ‘Grace under pressure’ is a mantra that every lady should practice and preach, but how in the name of office work (and luncheons, and board meetings, and…) do we keep up exactly? When our precious boudoir is out of sight, can we actually achieve a pretty face?

 That is why we have rounded up 6 of the essential cosmetics that every working woman needs. If you’re that kind of woman who has packed her cosmetic bag with products that she actually wouldn’t get to use (and don’t even need), then this is for you. Nothing beats a back-to-basics approach when it comes to cosmetics.


1. Liquid foundation/BB Cream


                Flawless, fresh, beautiful – if you want to achieve great results, you would need perfect coverage. Depending on preference and skin type, you might opt to use one over the other. Liquid foundations are great if you want medium to full coverage – if you have a number of impurities that you would want to cover-up (some fine lines, dark spots, uneven skin tone, etc.), then it will do the trick. If you want light to medium coverage and are in need of minor touch-ups, BB (blemish balm) creams are your best bet.


Choose a product that doubles as sunscreen, with at least SPF 15 and above, to protect yourself from the harsh effects of sun exposure. Either way, these skin correctors are essential cosmetics that you wouldn’t want to forget to stash in your cosmetics case. Ever.


2. Concealer


                Conceal, don’t feel…and kiss away those imperfections goodbye. A trusty concealer that matches your skin tone perfectly and blends in seamlessly is one of the most indispensable items that should be found inside your cosmetics case. A temporary fix can go a long way – with the right tools and technique, you can achieve a beautiful look. While dark circles and eye bags can be unforgiving, the right concealer can correct them in a zap!


 Photo credit: http://4.bp.blogspot.com

3. Red Lipstick


                Dare to be the lady with the swoon-worthy, luscious lips! Red is a statement color alright, but it is flattering and very wearable. It is a very versatile product that you can use from the board room, to luncheons, date nights – practically wherever your feet takes you. Choose a shade that flatters your skin tone and overall look – crimson, wine stain, cherry, whatever it is, make it your own, personal color. One of the essential cosmetics every busy woman must have, the signature red lipstick is here to stay.


4. Blush


                A pretty pop of color on the apples of your cheeks?Lovely. Never, ever underestimate the power of a flushed, rosy appearance that only your blush can provide in an instant. Cream, powder, it doesn’t matter – whatever works will do just the job. Just make sure the color you pick actually flatters your complexion, and you’re good to go.


5. Eyeliner


                If you have a set of eyes that are lack lustre and dull, you have to know that it may need a little va-va-voom (courtesy of the make-up department). Eyeliners are a perfect way to add flair and drama to your ordinary office look. You can opt for a subtle, sultry cat eye for that look that screams ‘S-E-X-Y’. Or you can skip the winged look and try a classic eye for a smart, sleek approach. Your call.


6. Eyebrow liner


                They say that the eyebrows are the frames to your face – and if you’re doing things right in that department, you might get yourself into a fab mess. It is imperative for every woman to know how to fix her eyebrows, that is, knowing how to pluck/shave some stray hairs and applying some eye make-up for that seamless touch-up.  Make your look work for you and pack an eyebrow liner in your cosmetics bag. Pencil, powder, it doesn’t matter – just make sure that it blends well with your look and is 2-3 shades darker or lighter than your hair colour (preferably).


                There you have it ladies! 6 essential cosmetics for the working woman. We hope you had fun scanning through our list. How stiff and structured the office atmosphere may be, don’t be afraid to express your own, unique sense of style – experiment! Have fun!

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