Roti jala or net crepe is usually eaten with curry or thick gravy dish. Having the consistency of a pancake, it is soft and delicate, especially so when it is net-like in appearance. This post touches on how to prepare excellent roti jala or net crepe. In preparing roti jala or net crepe, it is important to get the consistency right. If lumpy, the batter won’t go through the spouts under the roti jala mould. You can buy the simple contraption from ebay. Alternatively, you can use a cheese shaker to make these tasty crepes.
In this post, I will show you how to prepare excellent roti jala or net crepe. This means getting the consistency for roti jala or net crepe right. For ingredients and methods, refer to my previous post on Innovative Cooking: Roti Jala. Add extra water if the batter is a tad too thick. You need to get a strainer ready to pour the batter through. This ensures that the lumpy bits from the batter remains in the strainer and the batter that passes through and falls into the bowl is watery. In turn, this will ensure that the batter goes through the roti jala mould, making it possible to create net-like patterns in the pan.

Click on the following video link to learn how to create roti jala:
[vplayer id=2805]

Ensure that the pan is lightly greased with cooking oil. For this purpose, I use a pastry brush. Allow a minute for one side of the roti jala to cook before turning it over with a spatula. Click on the following video that shows you how to fold two roti jala or net crepes into triangles:
[vplayer id=2807]o
Roti jala served with curry
Making roti jala takes a lot of patience. Although the preparation method is easy, it is time-consuming. I find eating roti jala a treat as it is a dish that is prepared for special occasions or sharing with guests. Trust me, it is worth preparing roti jala or net crepe as it is tasty and is an excellent alternative to rice, noodles or bread.