If you recall early this year I wrote an article about my high cholesterol level and my plans to reduce it (despite the doctor telling me whatever healthy actions I choose to undertake, my cholesterol levels will remain high because it is hereditary). I was prescribed statins early in the year and had taken them for two weeks. It didn’t do me good as I felt prickling sensations on my left chest. I was worried and did research to resort to other means to reduce my cholesterol level. I’m proud to say that lowering cholesterol level has been my success story this year and I’d like to continually work on it to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. 





An Update on Lowering Cholesterol Level

Last September, in 2017, I weighed 58 kg. In short, I revamped my diet in full swing and abstained red meat and deep fried food especially chips since January 2018. As a result, I now weigh roughly 50 kg. That’s a total of 8 kg loss in about a year. My story is a personal story which involves a lot of self-restraint in my attempts at lowering cholesterol level. If you have just been prescribed statins, think twice about their side effects. You can substitute them using healthy options. I had faith and hope and with perseverance, I managed to forgo statins and avoid reliance on them. Read on…

The day I felt I have achieved something


In July, I went for a total blood test at Priceline Pharmacy. I discovered that all my efforts in revamping my diet and adopting self restraint have paid off. My cholesterol levels have dropped from a high 6.65 to an amazing 5.14. I was told that it is within recommended levels. I couldn’t believe my ears. I’m going to to the very same clinic I had my full check up and prove the doctor wrong. The point I’d like to make is that you can lower your cholesterol levels without taking statins even if you have hereditary cholesterol. 


Ways to Reduce Cholesterol Level

  1.  Stick to a 60% to 70% plant based diet

To avoid adding bad cholesterol to my diet, I made sure I ate 60% to 70% vegetables and fruit in a day. How did I manage to achieve that? On weekdays for breakfast, I eat oat meal with half a punnet of blue berries and 1/3 of a punnet ofstrawberries. I add So Good Almond Milk dark chocolate milk to soften the oat meal and to enhance its taste. It’s unsweetened so I feel guiltless taking it. I also add Macro Nibble Mix seeds and raisins to the my oat meal for the crunch effect. The result is a filling, satisfying and surprisingly tasty breakfast of an otherwise boring oat meal. 

On weekends, I prepare something different at breakfast for a change of palette -scrambled eggs, omelette, home cooked baked beans or avocado on toast. 

My lunch consists of either a vegetable and tofu/tempeh wrap or tuna sandwich with Burgen pumpkin seeds and oat bread. I prepare the filling a few days in advance and ensure that it lasts for a few days. This makes it convenient for me to prepare the sandwich or wrap in the mornings at 6 am as I rush to get ready for work. 

For dinner, I prepare pasta, rice, noodles or a veg bake. The meal is always vegetarian with an exception of fish every now and then. I’m supposedly pescatarian. Ok, I have to admit that once in a while, I crave for chicken but it has to be steamed or stir fried chicken without the skin which I savour when I dine outside. However, I have forgone red meat as it contains a high amount of cholesterol. 

For protein, I consume tofu, tempeh and the occasional fish. Moreover, I also ensure that I consume sufficient legumes such as lentils and chickpeas for fiber and protein. You may be surprised that such legumes can be transformed into healthy delicious dishes.   

Moreover, I have acquired a liking for cous cous and have included this is my diet for occasional lunches. Look out for upcoming cous cous recipes that help you lose weight.  

Overall, I keep in mind that I eat low calorie, low cholesterol food. This means more plant based food, 10% to 20% fish and whole grain bread as well as brown rice. I  include very small amounts of pasta and noodles for dinner. For many months now,  I have stayed away from white bread or savoury bread and have successfully walked past bakeries that used to lure me in and tempt me with its atrociously high calorie treats. This has definitely helped in lowering cholesterol level. 

2. Vegetable Smoothie 

veg smoothie


To maintain my plant based diet, I prepare special vegetable smoothie every alternate day. Ingredients include green apple, spinach, celery, coconut water or almond milk, 2 cloves of garlic, slices of ginger and some chia seeds that are blend together using my trusted Nutribullet.  It takes only a few minutes to prepare and the concoction tastes refreshing with a sharp hint of ginger and garlic. Because the drink is thick, I stir it and drink through a straw. It definitely contains lots of fiber and vitamins and packs a punch. 

3. Secret Supplement


Instead of statins, I take BergaMet Mega + O which is a supplement that contains concentrated Bergamont, a citrus extract that helps to lower cholesterol. I take two capsules a day, once before lunch and once before dinner. 

4. Secret Concoction 

apple cider

Another secret I swear by is the Apple Cider Vinegar that I take after dinner. Only ACV with the Mother is effective in lowering cholesterol levels. This cider must be added to 200ml of water and sucked through a straw. Since ACV is potent and sharp, it can damage the enamel over time, so drinking it through a straw will minimize its contact with the teeth. I make it a point to brush my teeth after taking this mixture. I have not only lost weight but also flatten my tummy since taking the ACV. 

5. Exercise 

Exercise greatly helps in maintaining weight and enhance blood circulation. The physical activity also keeps cholesterol levels down as fats are burnt. Though I can’t exercise everyday, I make it a point to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. 

6. Self Restraint Through Mind Power 

Losing weight with the long term aim of lowering cholesterol levels doesn’t work unless you train your mind to control your food cravings. I exercise this all the time, visualising the consequences of succumbing to fatty, greasy and rich food. I will write more about how to control your mind to strengthen your will power in upcoming posts. It takes a lot of practice and discipline, mind you. 

Looking back, I’m happy to have succeeded in lowering my cholesterol levels without resorting to statin. My journey has been more of a trial and error and involves self restraint and abstinence of red meat, deep fried and greasy food, rich confectionery and white bread. Time and time again I have had conversations with myself in my attempts at controlling my brain to orientate towards more healthier options. As my journey continues, I will share it along the way. In short, having faith in yourself and visualising towards your goal by going against the grain actually works. I was so against taking statin and still am. I found another route and I have won. The challenge now is to maintain my cholesterol levels and weight. 


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