
Being happy is a mindset and it takes a lot of mind power to stay happy.  Your emotions can be affected by people around you, those who work with you or share your persona space with. There are bound to be conflicts due to differing opinions, values and ideas. These are inevitable but if such situations arise, how do we protect ourselves from that negative energy from people who are still angry with you or bear grudges against you? 

It is natural to be angry with the person who has caused the conflict or who may be unreasonable to have caused that tension. Step aside and be in your space for some time. Acknowledge the situation that has happened. Maybe you are not at fault but just want to prove a point. Come out of that anger by reflecting on what you value most about that person. If you were to continue to be angry, nothing will be resolved and nothing good can come out of the anger. Instead let the anger pass and makes amends directly or indirectly to re-establish the bond if you value that person. 

In the meantime, if that person is still angry with you, consider doing the following: 

  1. Protect yourself from negative vibes

smoky quartz

I’d use a smoky quartz crystal to protect me from toxic people and their negative vibes. Smoky quartz absorbs negative energy and keeps you grounded. Keep a smoky quartz sphere or generator near your space or wear a smoky quartz pendant or ring to keep the protective energy around your aura. This will prevent you from being affected by other people’s negative energy, be it anger, jealousy, stress or hatred. 

smoky quartz sphere

2.  Listen to music 

Listening to your favourite music is a way to dispel any negative emotions and introduce happy feelings. Some songs have a catchy beat that makes you feel upbeat while others have inspirational lyrics that may be just what you need at that time to feel uplifted. 

3.  Go out and meet up with friends over coffee 

coffee with friends

Refrain from shopping just to make yourself feel better. Instead meet up with friends over coffee or a drink. Chatting up with friends close to you will make you forget about the conflict and talk about happy things. The saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ holds true in this situation. 

4. Be engaged in creative arts 

If you take up painting, music or dancing as a hobby, this is a good time to expend your energy into it. Hobbies connected to the creative arts can be therapeutic for the mind and soul. 

5.  Read a good book 

Reading can take your mind off unpleasant incidents, especially if you’re reading an interesting book. Reading also provides a space for yourself as your mind is engaged in the plot of the novel or wisdom imprinted in a non-fiction book. 

6. Surround yourself with nature 


Surrounding yourself with natural surroundings such as the beach, the park or a lake can be cathartic. Just by watching the waves lapping on the shore and the greenery around you or listening to the chirping birds can take your mind off the conflict that had happened earlier. You will feel at peace with yourself and be able to reflect on matters at hand and decide on steps to take. You’ll be surprised at the difference nature makes to your feelings and thoughts before and after the conflict. 

Choose to follow a few of the suggestions above in order to find peace of mind and happiness. You can’t force the person who is angry with you to dispel his or her anger straight away. If you have voluntarily made amends but see no positive response, there is nothing you can do but stay in your own protective space till that person is ready to cool down and make amends. The important thing is to get past that feeling of anger and create a protective, grounding energy for yourself to keep your mindset positive. 

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